Your Weekly North Vancouver Island Construction News
In this week’s Editor’s Note:
- Courtenay: Carbon Step Code and Performance Levels adopted
- Comox:Â Proposed six unit commercial building
- Quadra Island: Proposed 23 large lots from a 67 hectare propertyÂ

Courtenay: Carbon Step Code and Performance Levels adopted
Council has accepted a staff recommendation to adopt the Provincial Carbon Step Code and to include the Zero Carbon Performance Levels (ZCSC) laid out in the CleanBC Road Map into the Building Bylaw. The ZCSC would apply to all applicable Part 3 and Part 9 buildings starting with EL2 in 2024. The city intends to revisit the acceleration to EL3 and EL4 in 2025. The staff recommendation included incorporating an engagement period to educate the development community on the ZCSC. Under the Zero Carbon Step Code, space and domestic hot water systems (and eventually the entire building) will require electrification. Of particular interest to the city is BC Hydro’s capacity for entirely electric buildings. Current legislation requires all new construction to be net-Zero by 2030.
Comox:Â Proposed six unit commercial building
The Town is reviewing an application for a six-unit commercial building on the corner of Guthrie and Anderton Road. The lot is vacant and was purchased in January 2022 for $1.2 million. If approved, the development will be the new home of the Leeward Liqour store with five smaller commercial retail units. A Zoning Bylaw text amendment is required to relocate the Leeward Liquor store from 651 Anderton to the subject property, under 200 meters away. The C3.1 zone only permits a liquor store at 651 Anderton Road. The applicant has concluded the required pre-application community consultation, which included public notification and an open house meeting in April 2023. A public hearing is expected to be scheduled March 20, 2024 at 6 pm at d’Esterre House, 1801 Beaufort Avenue.
Quadra Island: Proposed 23 large lots from a 67 hectare propertyÂ
The Electoral Areas Services Committee has carried first and second readings for an amendment and rezoning application to create 23 large lots from a 67-hectare parcel of land located at April Point. This application proposes to create twenty-two 2.0-hectare rural residential lots, one 5.0-hectare agricultural land reserve parcel and community amenities in the form of two parks totalling 7.8 hectares. The subject property is currently undeveloped with some areas of older forest in the northeast corner of the property and along April Point Road, which are proposed to be dedicated as parks. To proceed with this development proposal both an OCP and zoning amendment are required. Staff will now proceed with scheduling a public hearing.
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