2030 Prohibition on Gas Space and Water Heating in Around Town
The BC Government is considering a ban on the sale of new and replacement conventional gas fired space and water heating equipment as part of its proposed Highest Efficiency Equipment Standards (HEES).

If the standard is approved, as of January 1, 2030, electric only or dual fuel systems will be available for sale and installation in BC. The sale of conventional gas-fired equipment such as residential furnaces and residential boilers will not be compliant, although replacement parts will continue to be available.
Standards will apply to both new and existing buildings, with the highest impact on existing buildings. All new buildings are expected to be zero carbon by 2030, which is a higher bar than will be required by the HEES. Economic modelling shows the overall HEES will result in a 79% reduction in emissions from buildings by 2050 relative to 2017 levels and will take 20-25 years to impact all building stock.
It is expected there will be both point of sale standards and point of installation standards. The province is currently consulting on point of sale standards, and is holding a general information session for stakeholders February 6, 2024 at 10:30 am. Written feedback will be excepted until February 15, 2024.
For more details and to register for the information session, visit https://bit.ly/cleanbcpress.
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